Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ayam pop/ Indonesian fried chicken with coconut

Normally, we can found this ayam pop in Padang restaurant....and they normally cooked with water from coconut but since is not possible to find in her so in stead i used coconut milk and it taste like what we normally buy from the restaurant !

Ingredients :

1 Kg chicken ( cut in medium size , take off all the skin clean and washed)
200 grm coconut milk
2 pcs fresh garlic ( crushed)
1 sp sugar

directions :

Boil the chicken with water ,fresh garlic , salt and sugar until it half done and add coconut milk.
turn to low heat until the chicken is tender.

Fry in hot oil for just a minute...serve with salad , chili sauce and rice immediatly.


Salad :
2 Tomato ( sliced in smal sized)
1 onions (slized in smal sized)
1 lemon ( take only the water)
salt and sugar

## Mixed all together and serve with the chicken once ready

sambal /chili sauce :
Green chilli ( small one and the bigger one)
Shrimp paste bakar (ready to eat)
lemon ( only the water 2-3 sp )

## crushed all together and serve with chicken and salad



Ummu Aisyah said...

wah teh enak banget itu ayam popnya...sambalado ijonya ...hehehe pengen dunkk..jdi laper...:)

Gmn kbrnya Teh? DK juga gmn kbrnya?

Happy weekend yah

Salam sayang,
Ve dan family

Age said...

I have never used cocunut milk, but I think this is the secter for different taste.
Come to me , Eastern waiting time you will find there.

Nena's said...

Hi Ve,

Iya ayokk kapan ketemuan kita makan ayam pop he..he ..

khabar nya lg sibuk mo ujian computer hari jum at ini di VUC , praktek ama mundtlig lagi..aneh ini sekolah computer ada ujian mundtlig segala he..he , udah gitu lagi sibuk bantu jørgen beberes drivhus kan mo mulai lagi kerja di ladang he..he

Dk, kabar baek, masih pada flu dan batuk cuma ngga parah...


Nena's said...

hi age,

yes i just visited ur's thta like ritual , have a candle while waiting for the time ?without electric ? or because of " climate time ; turn off the light for 1 hour ? "

Mark said...

Great read, i love food especially Buckeyes Chicken