So here i'm making combro one of my traditional favorit food . Lucky me i have stil oncom i brought from indonesia last july and i just put them in refrigerator and took it whenever i want to.
Ingredients :
400 grm casava grated /singkong parut
100 grm dried cocos
1 sp salt
Filling :
200 Grm oncom
5 stk garlic crushed
5 stk shallot crushed
4 cm kencur crushed
3 sp chili sauce
1 btn daun kemangi
salt to taste
brown sugar to taste
Direction :
Mixed all ingredienst and put a side.
For filling : Mixed all the spices and fry in until all done add oncom and a little water and put daun kemangi and salt , brown sugar to taste.
Take 2 sp casava pressed it make it rounded and add 1-2 tsp oncom in the middle and cover it with other casava. Do it until all finished..and fry in to oil under medium heat..until it was brown... serve it..enjoy
P.s : normally people make combro without dried cocos (kelapa parut) but i always add it since my mom always make this with cocos and it taste absolutely better than the normal enjoy !
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