Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Honey !

Yes , Today is my husband birthday....I went home 1 hour early from school just to have quick cooking before my husband coming home...:-)

We don't have any special arrangements today consider that today is week day and we need to get up early tomorrow morning..beside we have agreed to have a "little dinner " next Saturday together with my father in law.

But I made a cake anyway he..he and Spaghetti Bolognase and we gave the gift too and just a little decoration on it...

My husband quite surprised to saw it when he arrived home......

We sang a Birthday song too.

I gave a PC game , Car racer ( Something he really crazy about lol ) and another fighting PC game.

diva gave a Film on Dvd and Lakrids ( she know how crazy her daddy to this Lakrids lol )

My husband play the racing car directly after we had dinner while eating Lakrids lol
Good to see , he enjoyed our Gift !

Happy Birthday Honey,

Wish you all the best..for now and then

Love you so much


Ummu Aisyah said...

Tillykke med Jørgens fødselsdag, Vi håber, du fik en dejlig dag og fik mange gaver, fra jeg har set :)

Mænd er vildt med game, synes jeg :D

De bedste hilsener.

Ve og familie.

ps: du må undskylde mig, jeg har læst sidste gang i avisen, at lakrids er harm fordi de kommer fra gelatin. Ben kunne godt lide lakrids før, men nu lad værer han at spise lakrids.

Men I bestemmer sig selv selvfølgelig...^_^

Send kyss og kram til DK.

Nena's said...

Hej ve, Jørgen siger tak for det...

Nåh det vidste jeg ikke...jeg kun vidste at mashmallow er harm fordi det står på posen tak for info ,vil kigge efter posen og forsigtigt næste gang..tak skal du have ve..

Knus og kyss..

Age said...

Happy birthday to your husband.
This day I am celebrating my name day, this is the reason you have seen a cake in my blog. In Hungary we celebrating not only birthday , we have nameday as well. Names you can find in calendar so everybody knows it and sending regards to you in this day.

Nena's said...

hi Age,

My husband said Thanks..:-)

It is interesting , consider i knew this tradition from my Poland friend, she told me in the class today. Maybe because Hungary and Poland has similar "background" that is why you both have the same "exciting" day i can said...

Age said...

Yes, Poland and Hungary always has a connection, the way of living is very similar, and the way they are thinking. I have a lots of frieds from there. Please say to your Polish friend and she/he will understand it:
'Polak Wegier dwa bratanki do sabelki i do sklanki.'