Monday, December 1, 2008

Crisis monetary

..we were watching CNN they send the information how bad it was the USA economic....everyone knew that the USA economic will effected to all over the world so if the economic in USA go down and down absolutely sooner or later the other country will follow ...

We personaly not feel so much effect on our daily life maybe because we don't have so much debt from the bank we are just a simply family who just satisfied with the normal ting (not luxury ) so we don't have to borrow the money from bank just to buy the luxury ting .We only buy something that we really afford to buy it using our own money (not bank money )

We always teach our self to be wise with when the bad time come (like now ) we just take an easy....not panic.

The only ting concern me is because of this crisis monetary a lot of working place is closed and a lot of people become jobless and off course is more difficult for me to get a job ....

So just need to focus to my planning to finish my 2 school My danish school and my computer Programmer school next year...

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